What Are Examples of Children’s Interests?

What Are Examples of Children’s Interests?

To gain insight into the diverse interests of children, we asked professionals from various fields to share one example of an interest their child has. From cooking to painting, discover the seven unique interests shared by these experts, including a NASM-certified Personal Trainer and a Founder and CEO.

  • Showing an Interest in Cooking
  • Exploring Handprint Crafts
  • Playing Board Games to Learn
  • Discovering Rocks and Minerals
  • Creative Play with Legos
  • Reading Expands Imagination
  • Painting Boosts Confidence

Showing an Interest in Cooking

One example of an interest that my child has is cooking.

My son has always been fascinated by food and loves to watch cooking shows with me. I noticed he would often ask questions about the ingredients and cooking techniques, so I encouraged his interest by involving him in meal preparation at home.

At first, I started with simple tasks like washing vegetables and measuring ingredients. As he became more comfortable in the kitchen, I gradually gave him more responsibility, such as stirring the pot or chopping vegetables (under close supervision, of course!).

Not only has this interest in cooking been a fun bonding experience for us, but it has also taught my son valuable skills such as following directions, patience, and attention to detail. It has also helped him develop a greater appreciation for healthy eating and the importance of a balanced diet.

Evander Nelson, NASM-certified Personal Trainer, evandernelson

Exploring Handprint Crafts

I find it delightful that a child has an interest in handprint crafts. It’s an excellent way to nurture their artistic talent and imagination and provides a perfect opportunity to spend quality time with them. Watching them create something from scratch using their little hands can be incredibly rewarding and heartwarming. 

Handprint crafts are an amazing way to help children develop their fine motor skills and learn about colors and shapes. I believe this activity is an excellent way to encourage a child’s growth and development while having fun together.

Sanem Ahearn, VP of Marketing, Colorescience

Playing Board Games to Learn

Introducing your child to board games can be a fun and engaging way to cultivate their interests while also providing educational benefits. Children can learn a variety of skills, such as critical thinking, strategy, spatial reasoning, and social interaction while playing games like Monopoly. 

Board games also encourage creativity and imagination, as children learn to develop game-winning strategies or adapt to changes in gameplay. Incorporating board game nights into your family routine can foster a strong bond and lead to enjoyable memories that your child will treasure for years to come.

Basana Saha, Founder, KidsCareIdeas

Discovering Rocks and Minerals

My son (9) and daughter (almost 8) both have an interest in geology, specifically rocks and minerals. They’ve been given several kits containing crystals, geodes, fossils, minerals, arrowheads, etc. We’ve been to several touristy gem mining places, and their faces light up as they discover their treasures underneath the dirt and sand.

As a bonus, their school (a small, non-public Outdoor Learning School) does a unit on geology each year, which helps them learn more about their rock collections and inspires their next rock purchases. They’ve brought in their own special pieces for the show and tell, and we recently took a trip to an old gold mine to learn how they discovered and extracted gold in the old days.

Alli Hill, Founder and Director, Fleurish Freelance

Creative Play With Legos

One of my child’s interests is playing with Legos. It is a great way to spark creativity and build spatial skills. Children who are passionate about a particular interest have more self-esteem, better problem-solving skills, and higher academic achievement. 

As a parent, it is important to encourage and support your child’s interests, even if it seems unconventional. Providing access to resources like books, materials, and classes can help them explore and develop their interests further. 

You never know where it might lead them in the future. For instance, one real-life example is that playing with Legos as a child inspired Nathan Sawaya to become a professional Lego artist, and he has now created world-famous sculptures from toy bricks.

Himanshu Sharma, CEO and Founder, Academy of Digital Marketing

Reading Expands Imagination

Reading is a great way for children to hone and express their creativity. It allows them to put their imagination to good use and expand their knowledge. It is best to introduce reading at a young age to form good habits and incorporate reading into children’s lives.

Michelle Siy, Content Writer, Oliver Wicks

Painting Boosts Confidence

Well, my child has many interests at the age of preschooler. But one thing I noticed recently is that he is interested in painting. I never have to tell him to draw something given by his teachers. He himself paints different shapes in his drawing book. He has already painted half the book at the beginning of the classes.

Painting is a sensory experience. It has many benefits for the child. It provides an opportunity for the child to understand cause and effect. The child thinks like a scientist. He can build self-confidence as well. He stays busy and doesn’t use devices.

Yogesh Kumar, Founder and CEO, SEO Dekho

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